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150 GK Question for CGL
Think SSC Think ATC
Science & Technology Current Affairs Analysis
150 Most Important Questions for SSC CGL 2024
- What was the script used in the earliest Tamil inscriptions? Brahmi
- At which one place did Mahatma Gandhi first start his Satyagraha in India? Champaran
- Who was called Zinda Pir (living saint) in Mughal India? Aurangazeb
- Which school of paintings developed independently during the Mughal Period? The Bijapur School
- Rig-Veda is divided into 10 books. Which books are the oldest? Second ansd seventh
- Which site, where Ashokan pillars exist, has the bull capital? Rampurva
- The ruler which was not invited to join the confederacy to fight against Vijaynagar in the battle of Talikota? Berar
- Whose tomb is „Biwi Ka Maqbara‟? Aurangazeb’s wife
- By whom was Shuddhi movement (conversion of non-Hindus to Hinduism) started? Swamy Dayanand Saraswathi
- During India‟s Freedom Struggle, which led to the first „All India Hartal‟? Protest against Rowlatt act
- Sirajuddaulah was defeated by Lord Clive in which battle? Plassey
- Near the banks of which river excavations have brought to light that Indus Valley Civilization percolated to far south? Krishna
- By whom was the „Shahnama‟ written? Firdausi 14. Which Mughal Emperor gave land for the construction of the Golden Temple at Amritsar? Akbar
- When was the Indus Valley Civilization flourished? During 2500 – 1750 BC
- In which country was Buddhism first propogated outside India? Sri Lanka
- Who was well-known patron of the Mahayana of Buddhism? Kanishka
- Who is most famous for” the establishment of an elaborate system of municipal administration? Chandragupta Maurya
- During which reign was the East India Company founded in London? Akbar
- Who was known as „Lady with Lamp‟? Florence Nightingale
- By whom was Island of Bombay was given to the English Prince Charles II as dowry? Portugese
- During which movement was „Mahatma‟ added before Gandhiji‟s name? Champaran Satyagraha
- Which was the Prince who was responsible for the death of his father? Ajatasatru
- Who was the first General-Secretary of the Indian National Congress Dadabhai Naoroji
- By whom was the Home Rule Movement in India was started? Annie besant and Tilak
- Who stated that there was no slavery in India? Megasthenes
- Which ruler had granted Diwani to the East India company? Shah Alam II
- On which thing did the Buddhism and Jainism both give stress? Non Violence
- Who was the first Sultan of Delhi to introduce the practice of “Sijda‟? Balban
- Who got the „Bharat Ratna‟ award, before becoming the President of India? Dr.Zakir Hussain
- The Mansabdari system introduced by Akbar from which system was it borrowed from ? Mongolia
- Which Land tenure systems was introduced by Lord Cornwallis? Zamindari
- By whom was Swaraj as a national demand first made? Dadabhai Naoroji
- Which reservoir is constructed on Chambal? Gandhi sagar
- Who was the famous Indo-Greek king who embraced Buddhism? Menander
- During which reign did both Vardhaman Mahavira and Gautama Buddha preach their doctrines? Bimbisara
- By whom was the first estimate of national income in India made? Dadabhai Naoroji
- Who destroyed the group of Forty Nobles? Balban 39. Who built Char Minar? Quli Qutb Shah
- On the ruins of which Hindu kingdom was the kingdom of Golconda founded?Kakatiyas
- In which year did the Peshwa became the official head of Maratha administration? 1748 A.D
- Bhopal gas tragedy struck in the year 1984 due to the leakage of which gas? Methyl iso cyanate
- Who was the Viceroy of India at the time of Jallianwala Bagh Massacre? Lord chelmsford
- Who led the agitation against the Partition of Bengal (1905)? Surendranath Banerjee
- Which dynasty was associated with Gandhara school of Art? Kushans
- In India, where did the Dutch establish their earliest factory? Masulipattanam
- Who is the Father of local self government in India? Lord Ripon
- In ancient India, Nalanda University was a great centre for the study of which religion? Mahayana Buddism
- Which was the medieval ruler who was the first to establish a ministry of agriculture? Mohammed bin Tughlaq
- Why is Sher Shah is well known for his administrative skill,? Land revenue system
- By whom was the practice of Sati was declared illegal? Lord William Bentinck
- The world famous „Khajuraho‟ sculptures are located in which State? Madhya Pradesh
- In the Interim Government formed in the year 1946, who held the portfolio of Defence? Baldev Singh 54. From where did Mahatma Gandhi start his historic Dandi March? Sabarmati Ashram
- Who was responsible for the integration of Indian Princely States? Sardar Patel
- Which element of Hinduism was practised in the Indus Valley Civilization? Cult of Shiva
- What is the meaning of „Buddha‟? The Enlightened one
- Before ascending the Maurya throne, Ashoka served as– As viceroy of Taxila
- Who has been called the „Napoleon of India‟? Samudra gupta
- Which battle was fought in 1192 A.D.? Second Battle of Tarain
- During whose reign did the Mongols first invaded India? Iltumish
- Which Sikh Guru called himself the „Sachcha Badshah‟? Guru Hargovind
- Who was the first Indian to get selected in ICS? Surendranath Banerjee
- What was the real name of Tantiya Tope? Ramchandra Panduranga
- Which historical personality of India is also known as Vishnugupta? Chanakya
- The English East India Company founded a permanent factory at Surat in which year? 1613
- Which Harappan site had a dock? Lothal
- Who was the founder of the Nanda dyansty? Mahapadma Nanda
- Who was a great ruler of Kalinga in ancient times? Kharavela
- Which ruler was adorned with the title of „Maharajadhiraja‟ (King of Kings)? Chandragupta 1 71. Under which Sultan, Khalisa land increased considerably? Alauddin khijli
- In which year was Vande Mataram first sung at the session of the Indian National Congress?1896
- Which State was first annexed by Lord Dalhousie under the Doctrine of Lapse? Satara
- Which Chola ruler converted the Bay of Bengal into a „Chela lake‟? Rajendra 1
- Which of the Vedas was divided into „White‟ and „Black‟ parts?
- Who earned the title of a „Liberator‟? Ashoka
- Vatapi was the capital of the which reign? Chalukyas
- Who was last Mughal emperor to sit on the peacock throne? Muhammed shah
- Who was the first Muslim President of Indian National Congress? Badruddin Tyyabji
- Which veda contains the Gayatri Mantra? Rig veda 81. Which ruler died while playing „Chaugan‟? Jalal ud din khilji
- When Akbar was born, Humayun was under the shelter of which king? Raja of Amarkot
- Who was the first European to translate the Bhagwad Gita into English? Charles Wilkins
- Which reformer from Maharashtra was known as Lokhitavadi? Gopal hari Deshmukh
- Where was the sepoys revolted openly in 1857? Meerut
- Who was defeated at kannauj in the hands of Sher Shah in 1540? Humayun
- Which is the God who is the most prominent in „Rigaveda‟? Indra
- Who, according to Jains, was the founder of Jainism? Rishabha
- Which Englishmen was honoured by Jahangir with the title of „Khan‟? Williamm Hawkins
- Which rulers fought the fourth Anglo-Mysore in which he was killed? Tipu sultan
- Which animal had the Stone Age people first? Sheep 92. Who was the Sikh Guru to be slaughtered by Aurangzeb? Teg Bahadur
- In which period did iron come to be used by the Vedic people? In around 1000 BC
- The title of Governor-General was changed to that of Viceroy in which year? 1858 AD
- How was Akbar‟s land revenue system known? Zabti system
- Crop sown soon after the onset of south-west monsoon in India, what is this called? Kharif
- Who sent Hienu-Tsang as an envoy to Harsha‟s‟ court? Tai Tsung
- How was the Gupta administration? Monor chial
- By whom was Decimal system introduced? Bhaskara
- Knowledge about the- existence of which animal is doubtful in the Indus VaElley Civilization? CAT
- Who was the first winner of‟ Dada Saheb Phalke Award? Prithvi raj Kapoor
- On the which bank of river is the site of Harappa located? Ravi
- Who was defeated by Babur in the first battle of Panipat?Ibrahim Lodi
- Who was the founder of the first Afghan dynasty in India?Bahlol Lodi
- Which Sultan built the fifth storeys of Qutub Minar? Firoz shah tughlaq 106. In 1889 a British Committee of the Indian National Congress was started. Who was its Chairman?W. Wedderburn
- Which was the most significant battle in the establishment of British supremacy in India?Buxar
- Nalanda University flourished during the reign of which ruler? Harsha
- Under which system of assessment, the British Government collected revenue directly from the farmers?Ryotwari
- By the time of which ruler was Gautama Buddha elevated to the position of God?Kanishka
- From which ruler did Humayun received the Kohinoor diamond?The Ruler of Gwalior
- Which was initially the most powerful city state of Indian in the 6th century B.C ? Magadh
- With whose reign is the Gandhara school of art associated? Kanishka
- In which movements Vande Mataram was adopted as a slogan for agitation?Partition of Bengal in 1905 115. The First Anglo-Burmese War was concluded by a treaty Which is that?Treaty of Yandaboo
- What is the mean of Epigraphy? The study of inscriptions
- From which place did the Aryans came to India? Central Asia
- Where is the tomb of Babar? Kabul
- What was the crux of early Buddhism? Renunciation of desire
- During whose Viceroyalty, Queen Victoria was crowned with „Kaiser-i-Hind‟ in Delhi Durbar? Lytton 121. Who built the temple of the Sun God at Konark? Narshimha
- What was the greatest invention of man in Palaeolithic Age? Fire
- Where was a Buddhisit council during the reign of Ashoka held?At Pataliputra
- Who was the first Engish person who visited the court of Akbar? Ralph Fitch
- Where was the Arya Samaj setup for the first time in 1875? Bombay
- Where did Alexander die? Babylon
- Which Emperor had the longest reign? Muhammad Shah
- Which Sultan of Delhi introduced measures for improving the quality of fruits? Firoz shah Tughlaq 129. The words „Satyameva Jayate‟ in the state Emblem of India were taken from? Mundaka Upanishad
- Gautama Buddha‟s birthplace is marked by whom? Rummindei pillar of Ashoka Maurya
- Who was Mahavira? 24th Tirthankar
- Which was the first stte to use elephants in their battles? Magadha
- In which era, Kshatriya had their specific Identity? In the times of Buddha
- Herodatus is considered as — Father of History 135. Which one scholar, challenged invinicible yajnavalkya far debate? Gargi
- In which year, Kanishka took over the thrown? 78 AD
- Tell the name of Arab military commander who conquered Sindh- Muhammad bin Qasim
- The famous ruler who completed Kutubminar was? Iltutmish
- Kalinga‟s ruler Kharvel gave his protection to – Jainism
- Where was the Introductary capital of Harsha? Jhaneshwar
- Which was attacked by Mahmud Ghazni? Somnath 142. When did the regime of Delhi sultan start? 1206 AD
- Which Rajput king defeated Muhammad Ghori for the first
time? Baghel Bheem
- Which book is written by Krishna Dev Ray? Amukta Malyad
- Who built Gol Gumbaj? Muhammad Aadilshah II 146. The famous diamond „Kohinoar‟ was found from which mine? Golkunda
- First battle of Panipat was fought in- 1526
- How much part of actual production was fixed for states as their demand in seizure system? One third 149. Who was the regent of Akbar? Bairam khan
- In whose reign Tulsidas wrote RamcharitManas? Akbar
- Who was the regent of Akbar? Bairam khan
- In whose reign Tulsidas wrote RamcharitManas? Akbar